Belle-Vous Photography
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Booking Terms & Conditions

Belle-Vous Photography's Booking Terms & Conditions

1) This document comprises an agreement between yourselves and Belle-Vous Photography (ABN 86 479 577 900) upon payment of your non-refundable Booking retainer and acceptance by us. Your acceptance of these terms and conditions occurs upon paying the booking retainer.

2) These Terms and Conditions may be varied at any time, with or without notice to you, at our sole discretion. You accept that these must be read in conjunction with the current Terms and Conditions available at: the bottom of the website.

3) Package & Product Prices are subject to change. All prices include GST.

4) This agreement is governed by the laws of Queensland, Australia.

5) By accepting these terms and conditions, you acknowledge that you are at least eighteen years of age, or the legal age to form a binding contract within your legal jurisdiction.

6) We will not be responsible for any failure or delay in providing services to you due to any events beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to acts of god or elements of nature (including fire, flood, earthquake, storm, hurricane or other casualty), war, civil commotion, labour disputes, strikes, government regulation or restriction.

7) All care and diligence will be exercised in the performance of the assignment/s and that liability is limited to monies paid only should mechanical failure, theft, accident, or any other mishap occur which prevents the fulfilment of this agreement.

8) In the unlikely event that the assigned Photographer is unable to attend your photo shoot due to unforeseen circumstances, we reserve the right to appoint another professional photographer to attend your photo shoot on our behalf to undertake the photography to his / her best ability.

9) It is your responsibility to arrange bookings and payments (if necessary) for locations, this is important especially in case of rain (e.g. hotel foyers, private premises etc.).

10) Your order of any package of photography services here-under includes the purchase of the final edited photographic images in connection with the photography services provided to you for your photo shoot in the form of High & Low Resolution JPEG files. You will receive a selection of the images at our discretion (Colour, B&W, etc.). This selection will reflect the best of artistic and technical merit as well as telling the story of your photo shoot. RAW images are never released.

11) You acknowledge that you are familiar with our style, and that our work is continually evolving and are of a unique and artistic nature, that the photos taken may be different from those taken in the past and that the studio will use their expertise and artistic judgement to create images consistent with their vision of the session, which may be different from yours.

12) You acknowledge that you have retained us as the sole and exclusive professional stills photographer for your event and that we retain the right to discontinue services, without refund or compensation, should other vendor’s or guests actions or activities interfere or impede our ability to perform such services.

13) Photographers must be respected at all times and with all communication, including but not limited to, email and telephone communication, in person, prior to your shoot, during your shoot or after and we will not tolerate poor behaviour such as aggression, abuse or rudeness in any form. Every effort will be made by Belle-Vous Photography to resolve any conflicts, however should you refuse to partake in a mutually beneficial resolution, we may refuse to complete your photography assignment including producing and delivering any and all package products, should we deem it necessary without refund or compensation.

14) Any directions issued to clients, their guests or employees during a photographic shoot are deemed to be at said person’s own risk. The photographer cannot be held responsible for any personal accidents incurred.

15) We are often booked months in advance; therefore we require a non-refundable booking retainer paid booking. Final payment is required no later than one month prior to the shoot.

16) Cancellation Policy: All dates may be transferred, but no refunds will be given for any photography assignments, packages and products booked. A cancellation fee will be charged due to loss of income. If work has already been completed on package products including, but not limited to, edited files, prints, albums, canvas' and folio boxes, this will also be invoiced at our hourly rate of $550 per hour spent. If this fee is not paid with (7) days of cancellation, legal action will be stringently enforced and pursued against you for breach of this legally binding contract.

17) For bridal shoots, every endeavour will be made to have your images available prior to your wedding. You acknowledge that unless purchased, there are no files or products given to you from the shoot.

18) All final jpg images are securely backed up and retained by us for a maximum of five years, but do not guarantee due to drive failure or theft/disaster After this date all package inclusions will become null and void.

19) We cannot be held responsible for any damages, extended delivery time or loss to products sent via postal services. We will pursue the courier service and lodge a formal investigation if your package has not arrived within the online tracking time frame. We will ensure all avenues and effort is made to the best of our ability to find and deliver your products, however no refund or compensation will be made. It is our sole discretion whether to provide a replacement product.

20) All images are provided to you with a ‘personal use, royalty free, perpetual license’. You are free to print your photos and make copies of your images. You may also submit them to online or print publications. We only require that you acknowledge Belle-Vous Photography as the artist and request a credit and website link when using images in notices and media (ie. Magazines, Newspapers, Blogs, Websites, etc).

21) It is a breach of Copyright to give any and all images to others. Including but not limited to vendors, employee and contract photographers who photographed your wedding, suppliers, designers, stylists, venues, artists etc. You must refer everyone, bar yourselves back to us for express permission to use watermarked images. Penalties of up to $500 per image will be incurred by you for this breach. Penalties of up to $1,000 per image will be incurred by the party using the images.

22) Belle-Vous Photography. owns full Copyright to any and all images taken. Permission is granted by you to use the images as we see fit for all Media, Marketing and Promotion. Including but not limited to Film, Television, Online and Print.

Copyright All rights reserved © 2014 - 2024 Matthew Hamm | Belle-Vous Photography

4 Fryer Close Bellbowrie 4070 QLD Australia

Brisbane | Sunshine Coast | Gold Coast | Toowoomba | Ipswich

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